If you are interested in a career in art or historic/cultural media conservation, here Willard present a list of conservation courses, both under and post graduate at a range of well respected UK universities that are currently welcoming course applications.
Stay tuned for next week’s blog where we present our essential toolkit for the student conservator.
Postgraduate Diploma in The Conservation Of Easel Paintings MA Buddhist Art: History and Conservation
BSc Restoration & Conservation (inc decorative surfaces, wood & metal) MA Conservation (decorative surfaces)
BA(Hons) Conservation & Restoration Conservation of Historic Objects – MA Conservation Science – MSc by Research /MPhil/PhD Conservation Studies – Graduate Diploma
Conservation of Objects in Museums and Archaeology (BSc) Professional Conservation (MSc) Conservation Practice (MSc) Care of Collections (MSc)
Image source: main – Courtauld.co.uk. Second – City and Guilds of London Art School. Last – Cardiff University.