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Willard is Sponsoring ICON’s Upcoming Conference!


Willard Conservation is pleased to announce our sponsorship of the upcoming ICON conference by the Book and Paper Group: ‘Adapt & Evolve: East Asian Materials and Techniques in Western Conservation’ to be held in London, 8-10th April 2015.

The event already boasts a rich programme of events filled with speakers from East Asia, Europe and the US. Speakers include Gangolg Ulbrich, who developed the renowned ‘Berlin’ tissue, and Pauline Webber, who will present an historical overview of the introduction of Oriental techniques to the West. All talks aim to give delegates fresh insight of current research into materials and techniques borrowed from East Asia.

Practical, interactive workshops will also be held as well as playing host to a wide variety of trade stalls, including papermakers from East Asia.

For more information on the conference and how to book workshop places, please visit the official website here.

To book your place, please click here.

Look out for Willard’s brochure in the conference pack!


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